Restarting my Blog
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Restarting my Blog
The past months have been crazy and I was honestly quite overwhelmed with all the happenings in my life. I feel like I forgot how to blog like really… writing was such an automatic habit for me before but it’s giving me a headache just writing this paragraph. Anyway, I would like to welcome you back to my blog!

Hey everyone! I’m baaaack!!! Well, not really, not yet. I’m just testing out the waters for now lol. The past months have been crazy and I was honestly quite overwhelmed with all the happenings in my life. I feel like I forgot how to blog like really… writing was such an automatic habit for me before but it’s giving me a headache just writing this paragraph. Anyway, I would like to welcome you back to my blog!

You may ask….

What happened to my previous blog?

Well… let’s just say my blog was a victim of my frugality. I wanted to cut expenses so much and since I’m not making any money from that blog, I decided to deactivate it… I honestly regret that a bit because a bunch of my work is now gone.. But I think I needed to do that to realize how much I love writing. 

What would this blog be about?

I would say… the same exact thing lol. I’m still gonna be heavy on the travel guides, I honestly have to catch up on lots! But also, I’m still gonna talk about productivity, motivation, finance, and occasional updates on my language journey! I will also be reposting my contents from my previous blog from time to time and yeah just excited overall to try this again!

What was your 2023 like? Why are you overwhelmed?

Sooo lots of happenings, especially the 1st quarter. I quit my day job in January and for 96 days I backpacked South East Asia. I travelled to 11 countries and it was the best thing I ever did in my life! 

With that being said though, I didn’t earn anything for 4 months and I spent nearly 8k on that trip! My financial status definitely suffered so I had lots to make up right after.

A week after coming back to Canada, I found a new apartment and got my job back. I focused on work and getting back to my routines then during the summer I spent lots of time hiking and doing backcountry camping with my friends! 

Around September I travelled to Italy and Jordan exploring the desert. I hiked the Dolomites which has been my dream since forever! I also experienced Jordan and made memories I will never forget. 

Coming back to Canada again. My finances suffered more lol. I even got distracted and played another season of Survivor on Discord… I won so I guess it was worth it? Anyway, I applied to a bunch of part time jobs and am now working as a virtual assistant but that’s been very unstable. At this point, I have decided to focus on creating content and growing this page to pursue my passion of telling stories. 

Plans for 2024? And the years after?

My plan right now is to save money, invest, and work on this project. My focus will be making money and being consistent on my posts in the 1st half of the year. Depending on how successful I will be with this.. I would like to travel again next year to South America! I don’t know yet for how long but it definitely needs to happen especially to celebrate stepping into my 30s! I have a bunch of hikes planned and I’m ready to make more memories!

Are you sure you’re committed this time?

Bruh you ask so many questions lol! That was all me talking to myself but that’s just how I think and write in general. Anyway, I truly want to work on this and I hope you accompany me on this journey. Let’s take it step by step so for now.. See you on the next one! Paalam 🙂